If you’ve hanging out over on my Facebook page, you may have found yourself wondering, “Hey, Erika, what’s the deal with all the black and white?”
You wouldn’t be the slightest bit off base in asking either. While I do love a good black and white image, I almost always visualize the end product in color first. Just take a gander at my portfolio here or on my fine art page. Lots of color. I’m not a very serious girl and I like my images the way I like my out look on life; bright, punchy and a little in your face. For me, converting an image from color to monochrome is usually an after thought.
So, when a photographer friend of mine suggested a 30 days of black and white project I jumped on board. 30 days seemed achievable and I could use some practice at shooting specifically with the intent of converting later.
Here’s week one: