Over the past few months I shot a few rolls of film and simply stock piled them on a shelf in my kitchen. Sending them off to be processed became one of things things that was forgotten about or just kicked down the road to a more convenient time.
Well, I finally sent them off got the scans back last week.
I shot three rolls with my old Konica. I have mentioned my love for this camera before but I need to reiterate it. I inherited this camera from my dad. The chassis is a pretty standard “student” chassis. Shutter Speed goes up to 1/1000. It has an internal light meter, which is completely broken. Oh, and it only manually focuses. It is my challenge camera. It is the camera that really pushes me to consider the technical. Generally I pick my film speed, try to meter a mid tone (usually the ground), find a good mid range aperture, find it’s counterpart on my shutter speed dial and then make my best guess at metering as I adjust the aperture for composition.
And sure, I could take the scans and pretty up the .jpgs a little when I get them back from the lab. But where is the fun in that? So these, as with all my film images are SOOC. Watermarks added after being catalogued and exported via Lightroom.
Roll 1 was shot walking around Seattle. Film used was Lomography X-pro 200 slide film. It was terribly overcast so even 200 speed film was a bit challenging. Slide film is still really new to me. I was pretty underwhelmed by the images from this roll. I really should have opted for push process as I feel they were all a little underexposed. Additionally, this particular film is known to have a bit of a tint to it (this looks quite yellow to me) and this tint would have probably been much more flattering on clear day.
Roll 2 was was Afga Vista 200 speed film. Again a few underexposures on a cloudy day, but a few shots I am really with. And the colors on this rolls were just lovely.
Roll 3 was first I shot towards the end of the summer this year (hence the sunny scene and shorts with t-shirt). This film was Kentmere 100 speed. And these I just love.