Soaking up Summertime – Kitsap Documentary Family Photographer

Summertime here in Washington always seems to peak late – or at least to the best of my memory and experience it does. There’s something really magical about those waning days of summer and this past year, for some reason, I seemed to appreciate them a bit more.

Perhaps it was because instead of being pregnant, I had a nine month old. Or perhaps it was because it was the last summer I had before my son started kindergarten (which seemed like just a big transition at the time, but now that we are staring down 1st grade, it seems like nothing at all). Either way, this installment of Here and Now that I shot in August, during the last few days of summertime, is exactly how I remember summer.

Waking up, coffee, the kids playing, feeding the pets, sneaking in a few minutes of work, playing with the big kid, tending to the baby, and then blowing off some sort of task to enjoy the weather. Then finally settling in for dinner and bedtime at home while the light from the setting sun streams through our back windows.

Here’s August.

baby in pajamas in bedroom - documentary family photography

toy cars in spot of sunlight on floor - documentary family photography

kids play on floor - documentary family photography

9 month old plays on kitchen floor - documentary family photography

working from home - documentary family photography

5 year old plays memory game - documentary family photography

grapes drying in collander - documentary family photography

9 month old at Dr. office - documentary family photographyDr. office countertop -documentary family photography

baby naps at park while brother plays - documentary family photography

playground equipment- documentary family photography

brother and sister on swing - documentary family photography

checking planner - documentary family photography

5 year old jams out to music while eating dinner - documentary family photography

9 month old with avocado on mouth - documentary family photography

brother and sister at dinner - documentary family photography

brother and sister play in play yard - documentary family photography

cranky baby at bed time - documentary family photography

Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 -