Father & Son – Personal Photograpy; Bainbridge Island

I have a confession.

I rarely “see” my husband in our son.  Which is odd, because so many people say he looks like my husband.  Surely, as his mother, I should be able to see it to.

I mean I can look our son and conclude that he has my husbands eyes; shape, lashes, brows, everything except maybe the color. Because those certainly aren’t my eyes.  And the two of them bear a striking resemblance in the photos I have seen of my husband as a baby.

But when I look at them together most of the time I sit and wonder, “Is this face really going to morph into that face?”

Then I pull out my camera.

When you can stop time at a fraction of a second you can capture the little nuances that get lost in the flow of a conversation or environmental distractions.

A couple days ago I mentioned that our son thwarted an afternoon walk by dousing himself in water in the back of our car.  So instead of a walk outside we sat down for a quick cup of coffee and a snack at a local coffee shop.  I decided to grab a few frames of my husband and son together.

Father & Son Photography

Then, as if these images weren’t enough to prove their resemblance to each other, I got this:


Same expression, same face shape, same ears, same eyes, same dimples.

This shot might be a new personal favorite.

Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com