Embrace the Chaos – Silverdale Family Photographer

When I met Beth to discuss her family’s session she explained to me that her motto in life at the moment was “embrace the chaos”.

With three daughters (a four year old and one year old twins) and a lifestyle that requires relocating every few years, it seems like a very apt motto to live by.  In fact, as a Type A personality, myself, who married a very Type B personality that also relocates frequently; I completely and utterly empathize.  Actually, I share her life motto.  Except I am certain Beth “embraces the chaos” with far more grace and aplomb than I could muster in a year.

In the time that I spent with them at their lovely home it was so clear that they manage a life of the best kind of structured chaos.  It’s the kind of chaos that comes truly happy, confident, and inquisitive children in a house full of love and adoration.

Here are some highlights from of their loving, joyful and lively in home session.

Family of 5 in home photography

Family of 5 in home photography



Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com