Some days are just crummy, quiet, stagnant days and January’s installment of the Here and Now project was just such a day. I have been struggling through a nasty wintertime creative rut and January was certainly at the height of it. Additionally, my husband had just left town on travel after being home from deployment for only about a month and a half so I was scraping the bottom of the barrel when it came to mustering motivation for, well, anything. Dinner? That could go screw itself. Housekeeping? Eff that. I was in full on survival mode. The bacon we had for breakfast this day was the one thing I could manage to try spice up our day in the face of Dad’s gone again, it’s cold outside, and there is still only about 3 hours of daylight before the sunsets – I realize that is not scientifically correct, but come January it totally feels that way around here. So here is the quiet little day that we survived in January.