P52 Week 12 – Abstract Bokeh

This week’s exercise from “The Visual Toolbox” was to use bokeh in abstract.  I won’t lie, I was pretty excited about this.  I love seeing this effect in photos and have wanted to experiment with it a little bit more.  It was a little chilly here this weekend and I have been super busy so...

P52 Week 11 – Inclusion by closing the aperture

Last week I explored isolating a subject by opening my aperture as a part of working through “The Visual Toolbox”.  This week was all about creating a sense of inclusion by maintaining a larger depth of field by closing down the aperture. The weather out in our part of Washington was just incredible towards the end of...

P52 Week 10 – Isolate by Aperture

This weeks assignment as a part of working through “The Visual Toolbox” was to work on isolating elements in a scene by adjusting aperture.  Specifically,we were to experiment and take note of the depth of field while shooting with our aperture wide open, half way closed, and then all the way closed down.  (This is very...

P52 Week 9 – Long Lens

As part of “The Visual Toolbox” this week the assignment was to use a long lens to isolate a subject.  To shoot for this I used my crop frame camera (Nikon D3100) and my 18-135mm DX lens (which zoomed all the way in is the rough equivalent of 200mm on a full frame camera). For...

P52 Week 8 – Black & White – Personal Photography

This week I opted to work on some black & white images.  I normally opt for color when processing my images but recently I have really enjoyed revisiting monochrome.  I first learned the basics in a black & white film class and sometimes focusing on the basics is just what you need. My husband is...




Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com