P52 Week 3 – Slow down, Step down. – Poulsbo Photographer

Ok. So one more week of “less than artistic” images for my P52 project from duChemin’s  “The Visual Toolbox”.  This week the exercise was, well, as he puts it, the photographic equivalent of musical scales.  And if you have ever taken piano classes you know exactly what this means.  Boring.  Repetitive.  Seemingly useless. But in...

The Promise of Spring – Food Photography

I went to the grocery store yesterday.  It was a very much needed trip, I will just say that. We like to eat a lot of fresh produce around here so I always opt to go the the nicer of the two major grocers in town.  Their produce selection is large and diverse so it’s...

Photography Basics 101: Golden Triangle

If you have been following my tutorials you now have a basic understanding of ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture.  You also have played around with Aperture priority and Shutter priority where you set two of those three previously mentioned elements and the the camera fills in the gap.  Understanding this much and how these two...




Kitsap County, Washington
(843) 991-7635 - erika@littlefishphoto.com